Truth and Error

This site is about the importance of truth, which may only be found in the sure and certain Word of God.  We live in a time where truth has become almost nonexistent in our churches.  We have people teaching and preaching the Bible that clearly do not know the Bible.  They are teaching new things....things that fit our culture, things that sound good in their own minds, and things that they rationalize must be true because it sounds right to them.  They are their own gods and have replaced the one true God of the Bible.  An old pastor I used to listen to often, once said if it's new then it's usually not true.  He was right.  

This site is also about the need for discernment in the body of the Church today.  I will point out some of the error that exists in the Church today.  I will explain how we are called to point out error and to guard the truth.  I will show you that the warnings about false teaching, and our correct response to false teaching is interwoven all throughout the Bible.  As a result, my desire is that you will search for the truth by digging in to the Word of God yourself, and not be satisfied trusting your own heart and your own opinions.


We all have opinions, but only God's opinion counts.

This site is dedicated to examining popular human opinions taught in many of our churches, compared to what God actually says in His Word. Biblical Truth has all but disappeared from our society.  It has been replaced by human opinions, most of which are in outright rebellion against the Word of God.  

False teaching and/or questionable teaching abounds today. Some of this  is blatantly obvious, yet much of it is very subtle.  Subtle false teaching is just as dangerous as blatant false teaching, even though we try to reason within ourselves that it is not.  

As the Bible tells us  6  Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? 1 Corinthians 5:6 

Even a small amount of false teaching is dangerous and will corrupt the whole.  As a result of many not knowing, or in some cases not even caring what God has said in the scriptures, the Church is in serious danger. Many people who think they know the truth do not.  Many people who think they have salvation are deceived.  We all have opinions, but it is God's opinion, His Word, that is of utmost importance and the only place where we may rest assured we find truth.  

It should offend any Christian when God's Word is twisted, changed, and misinterpreted as we find in abundant measure in our churches today.  I am offended, God is offended, and I hope you are too.  

The World is full of opinions right?  Everyone has one.  If you count on your opinion, your own thinking, and not on the authority of the Bible, you could be deceived.  If you believe in your own opinions and ignore what God says, then you are saying you are smarter than God.....that you are God.

17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. John 17:17

13 But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 2 Timothy 3:13